A Reveal Unlike Any Other
On Friday August 19, roughly 300 Freshman and transfer students were sorted into the six houses that make up St. Dominic. With that came great excitement across the school as it was the first major assembly of the school year.
For many students it was the first time they would get to experience life at St. Dominic outside of the classroom. For those like Landon Wright, a freshman, the sorting reveal was something that he had never heard of before. He was electrified to experience it for the first time.
“I was very excited during the assembly and I was very happy to be there and I felt very welcomed by the rest of the school”, Freshman student Landon Wright said.
The St. Dominic community values the House camaraderie so much not only because of the spirited competitiveness that it brings, but also because of the way that it brings all students together. Students of all ages gather everyday in family time to spend time together to play games, hang out, and get to know each other. For many, the experience is new and can be a little challenging at first, but freshman Landon Wright had a positive approach to it.
“I think family time will help me become closer with the St.Dominic by helping me meet upperclassmen and other people in the school community I have really never met. I also think it will help me grow closer to God,” Wright said.
However, family time and the house system would have never been in existence if it weren’t for Mrs. Schuler. Mrs. Sculer is the Assistant Principal and an advocate for student life at St. Dominic. She organizes all events in the house system with the help of the HOH’s, including competitions. With over 300 students to sort evenly it proves to be quite the task.
“The biggest challenge is the sheer volume and keeping the houses and families as even as possible. I had some help, but I think we were pretty successful!” Mrs. Schuler said.
While the winners of the future House competitions are a mystery right now, the St. Dominic community is thrilled to welcome all new students and staff to their houses.

Will Dery is a senior at St. Dominic. He is apart of Track and Field, Theater, NHS, Journalism, a family captain, and on the leadership team for the Ambassador's...