The Epic Ending to an Era

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HOH Matthew Reid and Ella Catlett bring home Caritas’s Cup

As the year comes to an end so does the hard fought house competition. With the reigning champion House Caritas in the lead this final assembly was a last-stitch effort to dethrone them. 

With more challenges than any other assembly before, it was hard to not feel the excitement radiating from the houses. We saw everyone giving it their all in competitions such as tug-of-war, office tennis,  a basketball shootout, a three legged race and a freeze dance. All houses were on their a-game.

“My favorite part of the assembly was the dance off. I completely didn’t expect it, and it was so fun to watch,” Junior Haley Canavan said. 

This assembly was a great finish to an amazing year for the house system, and though all houses put forth their best effort, Caritas came out on top, becoming our first back to back winners of the house cup. 

“I’m just really proud of my leaders that I had this year and for everybody in the house for really buying in,” Caritas House Mentor Mr. Winklemann said.

Caritas truly brought it all year long and deserved their win. Dignitas was a close second for much of the year but fell short. However, Dig sent the word to the orange crew that they are a force to be reckoned with. 

“I’m so proud of my whole house for participating this year. We had the best house participation in events, philanthropy, and cheering than any other year. I am hoping that we continue to grow and get more to buy in next year,” Dignitas House Mentor Mr. Small said.

With such an exciting ending, this year already seems special, but we should not forget that this year’s seniors are the first class to fully go through the house system. Reaching a milestone like this is something special for our senior class. “Seeing the house system develop into what it is now over these past four years has truly been amazing and I feel blessed to have been a part of its growth. Caritas members have worked extremely hard and stayed consistent all year which helped us secure the well-deserved 1st place spot. The hope was to leave Caritas behind with an awesome legacy and I think Matt and I were successful in doing that this year. Caritas Country will continue to thrive,” Caritas Head of House Ella Catlett said. 

Though it is sad to see this year coming to an end we can only hope next year is just as exciting!