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House Dignitas welcomes incoming students and teachers to the school

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House Dignitas welcomes incoming students and teachers to the school

Following a summer full of sun and fun, our St. Dominic Crusaders are back and ready for a new school year. With the new school year comes a new class of freshmen. Luckily for these new students, they have already had the opportunity to dive right into our school community thanks to the house system!

On Tuesday, August 17, our new students and teachers were welcomed to their second day of school at St. Dominic and to their new house with the house reveal. The house reveal was a huge hit for many of the new faces in the school and was the first opportunity to come together as a community. 

“I was sorted into Gratia and I thought it was awesome! I was so surprised at how loud it was when I walked into the gym with the rest of my house. I felt so welcomed and proud of my high school choice,” said freshman Isaac Branson.

The house system has been great for not only showing off our school spirit, but also for introducing freshmen to high school life. It can be difficult to get involved in clubs and sports without knowing anyone, so the house system helps students meet new people in every grade.  

Along with meeting new people, students are able to participate in activities that get the whole school involved, such as the house cup. Students can earn points for their house by winning competitions hosted by administration and teachers throughout the school year.

“I am in Gaudium but all of the houses seemed so excited that they were getting new members. I’m ready to do lots of activities with my house and win the house cup. I think the house system makes St. Dominic better because it makes you feel more like a community. It gives you a group of people that have your back,” said freshman Emma Gangepain.

This school year is sure to bring the hype in as we jump right into our house activities. Keep your eyes and ears open for the first school wide competition and be sure to show your house pride!