Weekly Episodes or Season Release



TV shows release seasons as a whole or episodes weekly.

Different TV shows that air on platforms like Netflix, HULU, and more have either released a season as a whole, or one episode at a time. The debate on which way is better is ongoing and both sides have convincing points. 

When actually watching a show on live TV. The episodes of that season will come out once a week. Nowadays most shows are streamed on certain platforms, but they push out seasons at a time.

“I would probably buy weekly because whenever shows come out weekly you’re able to have more time to watch one episode rather than having to watch them all at once so you don’t get spoilers,” Junior Zoe Dake said. 

Another plus is watchers have something to look forward to every single week. The shows that air by week usually have less time in between seasons, so watchers are also spending less time in between waiting for more episodes. 

Also, for some people, it’s easier to only have to worry about watching one episode at a time. Except other people prefer the binge. 

“I cannot sit there and wait for episodes to come out because I forget what happened. When  they all come out the same time I can binge watch it in a couple nights and it’s just a lot better,” Junior Isabelle Dam said. 

The upside to receiving a whole season is less time in between episodes, but more time in between seasons. Binging episodes is addicting, and it’s always nice to sit down for a couple of hours with your friends and enjoy them. 

It’s always nice to have something to look forward to every week or spending hours watching TV but it’s up to each person whether they like how their episodes are released.