Putting On A Pandemic Prom


Ashley DeCosty

Last years junior students enjoy their time at the postponed prom

It’s been an unpredictable year full of adaptations and changes, so it’s no surprise that prom would be changed to fit COVID-19 precautions as well. However, no one was prepared for the surprising alterations recently shared with the juniors and seniors from Mr. Welby.  

The St. Dominic administration has been very cautious with what students are able to do this year due to the coronavirus, but our student council and staff are doing everything they can to make this year’s prom possible. President Mr. Welby sent out an email on March 1 to the junior and senior classes regarding recent changes.

Prom will still be on April 30 at Old Hickory; however, this year’s prom will only consist of pictures, dinner and the recognition of prom court. There will be no DJ or dancing. The “night to remember” between juniors and seniors will also be made separately with two proms on the same night. The junior prom will begin at 5:30 with the seniors coming in at 7:30.

“We would like to also thank you all for your continued cooperation throughout this school year to allow for as normal a school year as possible.  Thank you for all of your efforts.  Have a wonderful spring and a strong finish to this school year,” Mr. Welby said at the end of his email to the junior and senior class.

Despite Mr. Welby’s thanks for student cooperation this year, students from both grades have formed strong opinions about prom and how they think the situation could have been handled.

“To be honest I think spending sixty dollars for a dinner and no dance is kind of stupid. I understand taking precautions and trying to protect us, but it’s unfair that things like the Gala and Crusaderfest could happen and we can’t have this. I think there could have been other options, such as having it on the football field, but I’m still really grateful that we get to have one and I know other schools don’t have that privilege,” junior Paige Deeken said.

“I’m excited we even get a prom, even though it’s not what we expect it’ll be alright. It’s bittersweet because it’s my senior year and I don’t get the prom that I anticipated, but I feel lucky that we get one,” senior Ava Kannady said.

This will definitely be a different prom than we are used to, but in the midst of COVID-19 we should feel grateful for the opportunities we are given and make the most of it. Make sure you watch out for more emails and updates regarding prom tickets and details for the evening!