Top 5 Study Tips for Finals


Student studying for their math final by writing down notes

School is almost over, and summer is around the corner, meaning finals are too. Finals can be stressful for many students, due to the amount of studying needed for each test. But knowing how to effectively study can make all the difference and take away a lot of that stress. So, here are five tips to help you study for finals. 

  1. Don’t cram everything at once

Cramming everything at once is a great way to forget all of the information you need to know for your test. Loading your short term memory for a final won’t only lead to you forgetting most of the information, but can also increase stress levels, making it harder to focus. 

  1. Know when to take a break

Studying for long periods of time can make it harder for your brain to process and retain information. Anywhere from hour long breaks, to even five minutes can recharge your brain, so you can get back to studying. A good time to do this is around 15 minute breaks every 65 minutes. 

  1. Set goals

Setting deadlines can be helpful for people when studying. If you want to memorize a unit every day, or an amount of vocabulary in a certain amount of time, it can be motivating to get it done when you have a deadline. This can be useful if you use it to your advantage. 

  1. Go somewhere that works best for you

Some people study better with background noise such as music or going to a cafe, while others find it highly distracting. Everyone is unique so it is important to know what type of noise you work best with.

  1. Write down your material

Writing notes you need to know down, such as making flash cards, is very beneficial and significantly helps your brain remember the information. Flashcards can be effective because they promote active recall in your brain, which is when we retrieve a memory.

Finals are the final test that determines your grade for the year, so it’s important to do your absolute best. Studying can make or break your score, and it’s vital that you study the right way. Following these tips can ensure your success while studying, and good luck on your finals!