Who Really is George Santos


The Guardian

Santos is one of the many Controversial figures in congress.

The news in the capital lately has been surrounding the controversial incoming House of Representatives member, George Santos. Santos has recently been under fire upon the discovery of many things that he claimed during his campaign which turned out to be false. 

After being elected back in November, the discovery of some of the things that were said in his campaign have put him in some serious hot water among his fellow representatives. Some which have called for his resignation just weeks after being sworn into office. 

Some of the things that he has lied about include: where he went to high school, where he went to college, working on Wall Street, founding a charity, his mother’s true death, his grandmother being in the holocaust and being Jewish.

Many of the lies Santos himself has admitted were completely fabricated.  He did not actually found the Friends of Pets United animal charity, both his alleged high school and college have no record of him ever attending those schools, reports found that there was no trace of Jewish or Ukrainian heritage in his family, his mother actually died in 2016, not during the 9/11 attacks, and he often attends Catholic mass. 

Many are wondering why he would lie about these things, but his case is a part of a much larger issue of congress members on both sides of the aisle lying to their supporters. However, without getting into every detail of every congress member, the attention for now should be focused on Santos. It is reasonable to assume that he said those things to help get him elected, but a possible future investigation from the House Ethics Committee could give us an answer for that. 

Overall, it’s time that our politicians are held accountable for lying to their supporters. It’s not fair to the voters, and if it were any other job then whoever was responsible would be fired. Voters of his district deserve to know the truth and it’s only right for him to be held accountable for his actions like he would for any other job.