Pro-Life Preview

The March for Life is back in January 2022!

The March for Life is back in January 2022!

January 21st is the day that thousands of people have been anxiously waiting for. The March for Life is back for the first time in two years. This year, people from across the country are excited to rally together and march for the unborn, standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves.

The pro-life movement has been in effect since the early 70s, with the first formal March for Life being held in 1973 in Washington D.C. Through the years millions of people have gathered in their states and the nation’s capital to be an advocate against abortion. The last March for Life was in January 2020 before the COVID-19 outbreak canceled it in 2021.

“I am excited to be able to speak for the people who do not have a voice and to be able to do it for the first time is super exciting. I went to a public grade school and we were not given this opportunity, so I am very grateful for St. Dominic and this opportunity. I am so excited to be able to go on this pilgrimage with some of my favorite teachers and best friends,” senior Macie Begley said

People across the country are happier than ever to be able to go to D.C. to speak for the unborn. The students and faculty of St. Dominic are especially excited and eager to leave for the pilgrimage.

“I’m excited for the pro-life pilgrimage again this year because I get to have a voice for those who don’t. We didn’t get to go last year, so I’m excited to go on the March and pray for those who are struggling with abortion,” senior Abby Obert said.

Many public figures are also making an appearance at this year’s march to show their support.  Kirk Cameron is this year’s guest speaker for the rally along with Father Mike Schmidt, who will also be in attendance and giving a talk.

People everywhere are ready to join together again and march for life. The march is next week and students from St. Dominic will leave Wednesday night for the 19 hour bus ride to D.C. They will participate in prayer and programming sessions in preparation for the March on the 21st. Be sure to pray for those in attendance of the March for Life and pray for the unborn!