Family Captain Corner

Virtus Family Captain’s welcome transfers and freshman at house reveal
Next up in the House Highlight are the Family Captains! Each family has a Family Captain who leads each family time. They have been working very hard to get everyone involved and to get every student to grow closer to one another.
One of the Family Captains in House Caritas is Ella Boeding! She is getting everyone involved this year by hosting food days and playing games in the Zelnis family. She is most excited for the big competitions but also the smaller hallway competitions between her house families.
“I became a family captain so I could be a leader for my family to look up to, like the seniors in the previous years were to me,” Boeding said.
Next up is Harland Bross, a Virtus Family Captain! As a leader he is also hosting food days and playing games with his family, which is one of his favorite things to do. He is most excited for the house games this year and hopes to win the house cup.
“I became a Family Captain because I wanted to be seen as a leader in the St. Dominic community and make family time something worth the time of the day,” Bross said.
Kennedy Jones is a Family Captain for House Temperentia and is ready to defend the house cup! She is really excited for the house competitions this year and thinks it will be a great way to motivate her family. She started getting everyone involved by getting to know you games and hosting food days, including bagel Tuesday.
“I wanted to be a family captain because my family has always been so fun and I wanted to be able to create an environment that welcomed everyone from freshmen to seniors,” Jones said.
Next in the highlight is Paige Deeken, a Family Captain in House Dignitas! She started off the year with a lot of ice breakers to get to know everyone. Her favorite thing to do in family time is to participate in competitions with other families in her house.
“I wanted to become a Family Captain because I love my family time and I wanted to be in charge of making sure everyone else loves it too,” Deeken said.
In House Gratia, Madison Turner, a Family Captain, is working very hard to get her family involved! One thing she’s doing is competitions within her family and activities such as kickball or games. While she likes competing with her family she is most excited about the big house competitions.
“I wanted to become a family captain because I wanted to show leadership as a senior within the school,” Turner said.
The last highlight is Max Williams, House Gaudium Family Captain. One thing he wants to do more this year is to go outside with his family more often. His classroom is pretty small so he loves to get outside and enjoy friendly competition.
“I wanted to become a family captain because I love House Gaudium. After developing a bond with my family members over the past few years I felt like I was ready to take my house to the next level,” Williams said.
Family Captains play a big part in getting every single person involved in the house system. Their biggest goal this year is to help everyone from each grade to grow closer together!

Abby Obert is a senior at St. Dominic. She is a Peer Minister and Family Captain in House Virtus. She is also a member of NHS and the Ambassadors program....