House Homies

Get to know these amazing people from each of the houses!
As the house system continues to grow in the St. Dominic community, it’s hard to know who belongs to which house. Besides noticing shirt colors on Crusader Fridays, here’s another way to keep in touch with the different members of the different houses!
Senior Jonathon Gil and played varsity football as an offensive linemen and defensive tackle for four years. Gil’s favorite color is green, which fits perfectly as it represents his leading position in house Gratia. Outside of school Gil works at The Spiced Hen as a cook, but Gil would tell you his favorite place to get chicken is Canes instead of his own home territory of the Hen.
Gaven Rameriz is a sophomore in house Temperancia. Rameriz plays football at St. Dominic, and that passion bleeds over into his Netflix go-to, All American. Outside of school Rameriz grabs a bite to eat at Chick-fil-A and loves to play golf—he’s a caddie and a referee.
Junior Sophia Gonzalez is the media caption for house Dignitas. As well as being a captain for the house, Gonzalez is a part of the swim team. Swim makes for some late nights, but before swim, she works at Andrews Academy for the daycare. To help with the stress throughout the day, Sophia loves to have some pizza and Chick-fil-A.
Senior Christian Giarla is a busy man in the St. Dominic community! Giarla played varsity football for four years, and on top of that he manages basketball, runs Stucco and is the spirit captain for his house. He somehow still finds time for his job at McDonalds, working out and playing video games. When Giarla isn’t in school or tending to his other responsibilities, he loves to watch Supernatural on Netflix.
Caritas freshman Bella Pagano loves to play volleyball! This past year she played for the freshman volleyball team, and she plays for a club team as well. When she isn’t on the court, she’s either standing up for life in Pro-Life club with her friends, or just hanging out watching anything and everything on Netflix. Pagano will argue with you that Qdoba is better than Chipotle because they have more variety, and it honestly just tastes better.
Jenna Rankey is only a sophomore, but she’s already involved in many of our athletic programs. Rankey plays basketball, lacrosse, golf and is a member of the bowling club. With her little spare time, Rankey loves to hike, fish, hunt and train dogs. While she isn’t on the go, Rankey loves watching All American and munching on some nachos.
Though each of these students come from different houses, our community is stronger and more connected than ever! The house system has brought good, healthy competition to St. Dominic and we can’t wait to see how all of these kids succeed in the future.

Elli Hagan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is the Captain of field hockey team and is also on the swim team, as well jumps for track and field. She...