Who is the Superior Schlenke?

Mr. Nick Schlenke, one of the new teachers at St. Dominic.


Mr. Nick Schlenke, one of the new teachers at St. Dominic.

Mr. Nick Schlenke is one of the newest staffing additions to St. Dominic. He loves working here because of the community, the subject he teaches and his father being in the same building.

While it may be his first year teaching at St. Dominic, Mr. Schlenke’s history with the school goes way back— he spent his high school years roaming these same halls as a student. So for him, being back in this community is one of the best parts of teaching here. The positive environment and togetherness of St. Dominic had always stood out to him, and it makes his job so much more enjoyable.

But besides the community and the school, there are other reasons Mr. Schlenke enjoys teaching. He teaches math, which is a difficult subject for many, but for Mr. Schlenke that just makes it so much more rewarding.

“I enjoy teaching math, because I see myself as a problem solver, and I understand the challenge that math brings to many students and I want to help them grow in their abilities to reason and problem solve. It can be quite a difficult subject, but it is highly rewarding to see the progress that students can make in the classroom,” Mr. Schlenke said.

However, one of the greatest parts of Mr. Schlenke’s job is working with his father. Mr. Frank Schlenke has taught at St. Dominic for many years, so now for Mr. Nick Schlenke to be a part of that experience brings a whole new level of excitement to the job.

“[The] best part of working with my father is that I can bother him with any teaching questions any time I want to, and he can do the same with me if he needs help with any technology. In all seriousness, we have a great relationship in and out of work, and it is always nice to run into each other daily during our routines,” Mr. Schlenke said.

Mr. Schlenke has re-adjusted very well to the new environment and community, and is excited to continue the school year.