Summer Food, Fitness and Fun


Summer is finally here, which means bikini season is coming back too. When all the crazy diets come out and you feel the need to get a flat stomach, don’t worry if you feel like you aren’t ready for your bikini. Anyone is bikini ready if you have a cute suit and a body to put it on. You shouldn’t focus too much on how you look, but focus more on your health, happiness and how you feel: everything else will fall into place.

Eating healthy during the summer is much easier than any other time of the year, because of all the yummy fresh fruits and vegetables finally back in season. Breakfast doesn’t just have to be cereal; you can try out new combinations of fruit to create a yummy and healthy smoothie. One of my favorite healthy breakfasts is a smoothie bowl. To make my smoothie bowls, I use a packet of acai, or acai sorbet. Next, add almond milk (or regular milk) and the fresh fruit of your choice and blend it all together. Once it is the consistency you want, top it however you like. My favorite toppings are granola, coconut and honey, but you can try out different combinations depending on what you like.

For lunch, salads are my go to. Many people think that salads are boring and unappetizing, but I think they’re the exact opposite. You can throw in fresh strawberries and oranges to add sweetness and a different flavor to your salad, which is the perfect refreshing touch for summer.  Fresh fruit is a yummy and refreshing snack that you can munch on the entire day. Even though all of these healthy options are available to you, remember not to force yourself to eat foods you don’t love just because they are “healthy.” If you aren’t loving a food, keep trying out different ones until you find the perfect healthy option for you. Always listen to your body and learn to enjoy healthy food rather than making it something you have to eat.

Healthy eating can do a lot for your body, but you have to balance both your eating and your exercise. It doesn’t have to be going to the gym and bench pressing 250 pounds or doing 600 crunches every day to get a six-pack of abs. There are so many fun ways to get out and get exercise, especially during the summer. My favorite way of going out and enjoying the weather is going on hikes with my friends. Hiking is a great way to get some exercise, see new things and provides a lot of great photo opportunities. If hiking isn’t your favorite thing, going to a park near your house is another great option. Finding little ways to work exercise into your day makes a huge difference in your overall lifestyle.

This summer as you are soaking up the sun, keep your health in mind. Eat that Bahama Bucks or drink a milkshake, but don’t forget to indulge in healthy things too!