Dear Crusader Nation News,
If you would have told me as a freshman that I would be the Editor-in-Chief, and a news anchor, I would have thought you were crazy. When I first came into high school Journalism was not in my plans for the future. In fact, I only took Journalism because my sister said she liked the class, and that Mr. Duncan was a cool teacher.
As a sophomore, I thoroughly enjoyed J1 because we were able to have fun and relax, but also get serious. Not only did we fail a headlines quiz eight times, but we also made an inverted pyramid made with rice, grains, and protein, weird right? At the same time I was learning how to write articles, how to give a proper interview, and work the camera for games.
When moving into J2, I wrote some pretty fun articles, but at the same time I was doing Crusader Nation News as an anchor, and a writer. I still remember the day when Mr. Duncan asked me if I would be behind the desk, and I at first did not give him a clear answer. I was so unsure of myself because I had some big shoes to fill. Eventually, I came around and I told Mr. Duncan that I wanted to be on the newscast, and it has honestly been such a blessing in my life because I have found it to be something I had a deep love for.
Then in my second semester I started to train to be the Editor-in-Chief. With all the leadership roles in Journalism, I found this one to be the best fit for me because in the future I want to be an English teacher. So far I have learned so much more about writing, and the skills it takes to make a good article. Teaching is my calling, but I believe that also includes teaching Journalism, which I will be getting certified in at Missouri State University!
From the past three years in this department, I found it to be a safe space and class for me to be myself in. I could not have done anything if Noah Schuessler and Lily Hente weren’t right there with me. We have laughed, cried and more during class, and each of them have made a huge impact on my life. So thanks to them, and those who have helped me along the way, especially Mr. Duncan.
I would not be writing this letter if Mr. Duncan didn’t give me a chance to try new things. I may not be the perfect editor, or anchor, but Mr. Duncan has trusted me with these things, which I will hold onto for the rest of my life.
With everything being said, I cannot believe this is my last time writing for Crusader Nation News. Journalism has made me who I am today, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
Alyssa Baird,
Signing off.