Paying Tribute to Jared M. Schmitz


1st Marine Division

Local community morns the loss of Marine Jared M. Schmitz

On Thursday, the Department of Defense released the names of the 13 United States service members who were killed in an attack outside of Kabul’s airport in Afghanistan. One of the names hit close to home.

Jared M. Schmitz from St. Charles County. A beloved brother and son, Schmitt was 20 years old and lived in Wentzville. He was very close to his nine-year-old sister who has special needs.

“She worshipped the ground he walked on. He would meet her at the bus stop every day and walk home. It really made her day,” Schmitzs’ father wrote in a statement.

On Saturday, civilians in Wentzville had a parade for Schmitz. They lined the sidewalks with American flags, made signs, flags and wore red, white and blue. Civilians are also trying to get the name of the new Wentzville rec center named after Schmitz.

Many Wentzville restaurants have set up a table decorated with beer glasses and a remembrance sign for the 13 fallen soldiers. Several restaurants and small businesses are also donating some of their profit on certain items to Schmitz’s family.

Schmitz may be gone, but he will never be forgotten here in the St. Dominic community. He was a member of the ICD parish and has many friends who are at St. Dominic. We love Jared. Some of us may have not known him personally, but we pay tribute to how he gave his life for the good of others and for our country. St. Dominic and other Wentzville schools even had a red, white and blue day of remembrance earlier in the week. Jared’s service as well as the other service members will never be forgotten. Fly high Jared.