Spring Break In St. Louis

Spending spring break at home? St. Louis has some great activists for you!


Spending spring break at home? St. Louis has some great activists for you!

The best part of the second semester, aside from summer, is spring break! With COVID-19 still alive and well, a lot of people are staying close to home this year—and there are plenty of fun activities to do around the Lou!

The St. Louis Zoo

You can visit the animals from 9am to 5pm every day, and get this—the admission price is free!

Spring is the perfect time to stop in and say hi to our animals at the St. Louis Zoo. There are quite a few new and cute little babies! New zebra foul, Nova, and her mom can be seen in their habitat. There is also a new chimpanzee girl, born from 18 year old Utamu, and many more new little animals for you to watch.

The zoo is great for everyone of all ages, just remember to wear your mask and continue to social distance.

Botanical Gardens

If you’re like me and love looking at botanical life, the Missouri Botanical Gardens is your place to be!

The garden is open Tuesdays to Sundays from 9am to 5pm. General admissions tickets that are reserved in advance are good for any entry time between 9am and 4:30pm. There are some walk-up tickets for you spur of the moment visitors, but they are pretty limited.

They have the tropical rainforest setting inside the Climatron, along with the Boxwood, Carver, Chinese, Ottoman and Herb gardens.

General admission cost is $14 for adults, and children 12 and under are completely free. They are also doing cashless payments for everything, as an option for more social distancing. They are, of course, asking everyone over the age of five to wear and mask and follow all social distancing guidelines.

Science Center

With spring break upon us, the Science Center is looking forward to welcoming you! General admissions is free, but a ticket is required. You can purchase a reservation for $3.50.

The Science Center has an energy stage, biological sciences and a chemistry lab for your learning experience. This is a great way to keep your mind open and fresh while we are on break, and keep the learning going—but in an enthralling way.

Spring break is a time to relax and have some me-time. You don’t need to go on a big trip or vacation to have a good break, there are plenty of options right around good old STL!