Singles Awareness Day


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Check out these 8 fun and lighthearted ways to spend this Valentine’s Day if you’re single.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday full of love, chocolates and giant teddy bears. However, sometimes the lack of a significant other can cause some of us to view it a little differently—but don’t worry! There are still plenty of special ways to celebrate without a partner if you’re feeling lonely when February 14 rolls around.

1. Have a movie marathon with your parents. A movie night with parents or siblings is a traditional and fun way to spend quality time with the people you love most.

2. Go on a shopping spree. Treat yourself by getting out of the house and  taking advantage of the holiday sales. Use the money you would have spent on generic chocolates and fancy dinner and put it towards new clothes or shoes.
3. Secret gift exchange. Put together a gift exchange with your other single friends, and spread the love by buying each other cute gifts.
4. Galentine’s. Gather up a couple of your close girlfriends and go out and do something fun. Go out to brunch, dinner or a movie and enjoy quality time with your closest friends.
5. Unplug. Watching social media and seeing
what everyone else is doing on Valentine’s Day can make it worse. Use the day to unplug from social media and do something fun and relaxing like reading a book or going for a walk.
6. Throw an anti-Valentines day party. Whether you’re single by choice or waiting for your soulmate, throwing a party is always a great way to lift the mood and meet new people.
7. Grab a friend and fake your way through couple’s deals. Employees don’t have to know you’re not dating, so grab a friend and get out to take advantage of those Valentine’s Day deals.
8. Me time. Take yourself out to a massage, spa or mani-pedi. Enjoy treating and pampering yourself and use Valentine’s Day to relax and catch up on some me time.

Whether you’re happily single or still waiting for that special someone, these activities are just a few ways you can enjoy this Valentine’s day. Take advantage of the positive sides of being single on Valentine’s day and use it to treat yourself, find someone new, and hangout with your best friends!
