Ace Your Exams

With midterms right around the corner, the stress can start to get a little too real. But don’t worry—with some perseverance and the right kind of preparation, there’s nothing you can’t handle.

Talk to Your Teachers

Since teachers create your exams, there is no one who can give you better help than they can. They want you to succeed, so don’t be afraid to come to them with any questions you might have. Head to any teacher’s classroom during their office hours (which are displayed outside their door), or take advantage of Reading Day on December 17 to answer any of your final burning questions.

Start Early  

Although it may be a challenge to get into the right studying mindset weeks before finals, starting early is really the best way to avoid the stress of cramming the few nights before. It also lightens your workload across the board. If you begin working on reviews a few weeks before finals, you can spread out your studying much more, allowing you to spend the final days before exams in a better mental state.

Keep Healthy Habits

Especially after work and extracurriculars, it can be very tempting to give up sleep before finals to spend extra time cramming. Unfortunately, this is one of the most detrimental things you could be doing. If you really want to succeed, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep, exercise and healthy meals. This will increase your mood and your memory, making you much more successful in the long run.

Turn Off the TV

Even if you think you’re a great multitasker, the truth is that psychologically our brains are not made to focus on more than one thing at once. When you settle in to study, turn off the TV and leave your phone in a different room. Your most effective studying will take place if you ignore everything except your review and take breaks every 45 minutes or so to check your phone or grab a snack. I know it’s hard, but if you really want to ace your finals, save your new show to binge over break.

With some simple preparation and a few easy techniques, you’re sure to crush your exams and head into Christmas break happily. Best of luck to everyone taking midterms in two weeks!