
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… the only problem is that it is a week before Thanksgiving!

The averages for snowfall in November in Missouri these past years stand at anywhere from 0 to .7 inches. In the past two days, it has snowed 1-2 inches of wet heavy snow in many parts of Missouri. Newscasters predicted light snowfall on Monday afternoon, but the heavy precipitation surprised us all. It even surprised faculty at St. Dominic enough to let students out early!

The heavy snow made for beautiful, wintry scenery. The first snowfall of the year left us with a beautiful blanket of white wonderland on trees, bushes and houses. The sights aren’t all though; walking outside in the brisk, freezing cold air and catching big, wet snowflakes on your tongue will never cease to be fun. Watching the majestic snow from the warm building of St. Dominic served to be a pretty sight to all.

Last evening sleet and cold rain started off the night, and by the morning Crusaders woke up to a winter wonderland and a day off school! Make sure you get your E-day assignments turned in by three! Once you’re done, pack on the layers and go make some snow angels. This much snow this early is rare, so bundle up in your fuzzy coats, scarves and gloves, enjoy the sights and drive safe!