Five Easy Ways To Save the Planet


Grace Wallis

St. Dominic student recycling

According to the United Nations’ most recent climate report, we only have 12 years left to fix the Earth. There are only a dozen years to try and reduce the effects of climate change before it becomes irreversible. Here are five easy and simple changes to make in your life in order to become eco-friendly and assist in stopping climate change.

Limit use of plastic (and recycle)

The issue of plastic straws has recently taken fire as pictures of sea turtles getting injured by them have circulated around social media. Businesses and states have started to ban the use of plastic straws and bags, and you should do the same in your own life! Try using reusable water bottles instead of buying plastic, bring your own bags from home when you shop and if you receive any paper or plastic items, recycle!

Try going vegetarian or vegan

Surprisingly, cutting back on your consumption of meat makes a huge difference in the environment. This suggestion may be hard for some, but you do not have to stop eating meats completely. Consider cutting out meat a few days out of the week and the environment will thank you!

Change your transportation habits

Driving everywhere can take a huge toll on the environment. One way to improve upon this is trying to use other modes of transportation such as walking or biking. This not only will benefit the planet, but it will also benefit your health. Another way to save the environment is to try to travel less or simply take more direct routes in order to save gas!

Be conscious of water usage

Conserving resources like water reduces the amount of energy which is needed in order to get the water to your home. States such as California and Texas have already suffered periods of drought as water becomes scarce. To prevent this from happening to others we can take shorter showers, turn off the faucet when not in use and recycle water. Another way to save water is to use to old water to water your plants or lawn instead of throwing it down the drain.

Buy from local farmers’ markets and local businesses

This is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint. The shorter the distance products have to travel, the less waste and energy it takes to get to your home. You would also be supporting local businesses and people from your own community.

You can make a huge difference throughout the world if you simply make small changes such as these in your everyday life. It is not hard to be eco-friendly every day of our lives; it is as simple as turning off a light if you are going to another room. Start making these changes today, and we will see a better tomorrow!