Kennedy’s Letter
Dear Crusader Nation,
I can’t believe how fast time flies. It’s surreal that this is the last time I will ever write for SDHS Nation. My journey through the Journalism program has been nothing short of unexpected but also extremely fulfilling.
I was never supposed to be in Journalism 1 during my sophomore year. I remember putting that class as a back up to two other classes that were easy and would fulfill my required practical art credit. But I was surprised to see Journalism 1 show up on my schedule in the days leading up to my first day of sophomore year. I remember feeling a little disappointed that I had to take that class, but I figured I would only have to deal with it for a year.
J1 was kind of hard to be honest. Learning the ins-and-outs of journalism and how to write articles proved to be a challenge for me especially during the COVID online learning era in 2020. Nevertheless, I decided I would take J2 and see what happens, but that’s when I began to love writing articles
In J2, I found a talent and a love of writing that I never knew that I had. Something about it was so fun and came almost effortlessly to me. I began writing all the sports articles and found a passion for that kind of writing so you’ll see my name on a lot of those articles from last year to this year.
Then to my surprise, I became the Editor-in-Chief of the journalism program for my senior year and here I am now. Never in a million years did I think I would have such an important role in a journalism class. It still shocks me every time I walk into the journalism/broadcasting studio but I am so grateful for every opportunity that Mr. Duncan and this program has given me.
I have met so many amazing people that I would have otherwise never known thanks to this program. This journey has been so special and has made my high school experience so incredible.
I want to thank Mr. Duncan again for all the opportunities he has given me throughout my three years in this program. I also want to thank my classmates for making me laugh every class and inspiring me to be the best Editor-in-Chief I can be.
Finally, I want to thank you, Crusader Nation, for reading my articles, supporting the journalism program and helping me find a passion for writing. I’m truly going to miss everything about this experience.
(As Adri would say) KJonesy out.
From your Editor-in-Chief,
Kennedy Jones,
Goodbye SDHS Nation

Kennedy is a senior here and it is her third year in the journalism program. Kennedy is the president of C.R.U. and a family captain this year. She is...