Lexi’s Letter

I am the girl that wakes up at 5:30 in the morning to film your Crusader Broadcast. I am also the one that runs the Crusader Nation News Instagram, Twitter and Facebook accounts. But I am getting ahead of myself. This is how my journalism career started.
It was between yearbook and journalism to my sophomore year classes. I called my cousin Kaitlyn, who had graduated just a few years before. She told me to take journalism because Mr. Duncan was the best, so I chose journalism and boy, did I have no idea what I was getting into.
I am going to be honest, Mr. Duncan scared me. Luckily my partner was Max Williams, so we always did well haha. The beginning of the second semester sophomore year we had to pick our junior classes. I remember Mr. Duncan made us take our course sheet out and he signed us up for journalism. I remember thinking to myself, “oh! Well I guess I am taking this again!”
During that time my sophomore year, I had gotten closer with Mr. Duncan; he became my rock at St. Dominic. Anytime I was dealing with something, he was always there to tell me everything would be okay. He was always in my corner. Always had my back.
During quarantine, Mr. Duncan had a bible verse reflection zoom, when I was at my lowest those always cheered me up. This man inspired me in so many ways, one of which was to continue growing my faith.
My junior year, I started growing my journalism portfolio. With an article teaching how to use the dreaded My School App. Then “The Singers of St. Dominic,” then my all time favorite article, “Superb Steve Wing”.
When writing my article about Mr. Wing, I realized something about myself. I love writing, but I love it more when what I write brings joy to others.
My senior year, I became the Social Media Editor. Hearing people talking about the content we posted filled me with joy and pride.
I want to thank St. Dominic journalism for making me the person I am. I love every person I have encountered these past three years. And I owe a lot of who I am to Mr. Duncan.
This is Lexi Bross,
Your Senior Social Media Editor,
Logging Out.

Lexi Bross is a senior here at St. Dominic and works as our media editor. Lexi eat, sleeps, and breathes Texas Roadhouse, if you ask her for rolls she...
Maddie Wittman • May 4, 2022 at 10:01 pm
I am so proud of you Lexi!

Keep up the hard work!