Kate’s Letter
Dear Crusader Nation News,
To be honest, I really didn’t know what to write for this. Nothing huge or motivational jumped to my mind when Mr. Duncan told me I had to do this letter. These have been the fastest four years of my life, hands down. Senior year has been a whole roller coaster, and it’s been the fastest year of all. In the spirit of our last semester, I truly think everyone has learned to let go a little bit and just get along. Even more importantly, I have seen an insane amount of girls supporting girls.
Girls are constantly gossiping, and always so drama oriented. In the past five months here, I have seen the girls in my grade come together like no other. Certain circumstances can really bring girls together—after some events happen, it is silently conveyed that girls will support girls no matter what.
I personally have rekindled friendships with a number of old girlfriends this year, as well as cultivated new ones. Sometimes it is just the little things, such as a girl you barely talk to telling you that you look pretty that day, or noticing that you did something new with your hair. The other more important times, it’s about the big gestures; standing up for a girl you barely know, even without knowing the full story.
Girls supporting girls is a huge theme in high school, and honestly helps you make more friends. It helps eliminate cliques and standards, and really brings everyone together in general. I am so thankful for the girls I’ve been friends with since freshman year, and of course all of the new ones I’ve made along the way. My friends are the number one thing I will miss about high school, so seriously cherish every little moment with those around you. Because one day, you will all go your separate ways.
Good luck to this program’s future journalists and to all the girls in this school—I’ll be back to visit in no time.
Senior Podcast Producer,
Kate Ryan

Kate Ryan is a senior at St. Dominic. She enjoys being with her dog and hanging out with friends. She is on the swim teams and involved in CRU. In her...