Thank You And Goodbye
Senior year is a blur. With so many questions about college and the future, it can be difficult to stop and make the most of the present. As cliche as the “high school really flies by” saying is, it cannot be more true. Although most seniors are over the top excited and ready to get out of the place they’ve always known, it can be bittersweet looking back on all the things they are leaving behind.
The St. Dominic community is full of the best and brightest people. There are so many opportunities to excel, succeed and try things you never thought you would. The senior class of 2017 would not be the same without the teachers, coaches, clubs and activities that make this school what it is today.
“I would like to thank all of the teachers who have helped me grow in my faith. I also would like to thank Peer Ministry for allowing me to have an incredible experience my senior year. Working with Mr. Winkelmann on AD activities helped me form a really great relationship with him. Countless hours spent talking about faith and God will make high school incredibly memorable,” said senior Holly Radke.

“I would like to thank all of my friends, teachers and coaches who made my time here at St. Dominic wonderful through all of the time learning, laughing and pushing me to be the best in whatever I was doing. I specifically would like to thank Mr. Doerr and Mr. Winkleman. Both of them were passionate about what they taught. They truly live what they teach inside and out of the classroom. They are both good role models through their love of Jesus and the Church,” said senior Michael Laugeman.
St. Dominic has been a home to us for the past four years. The seniors have spent more time than one could imagine just roaming the hallways or walking around the campus. It’s safe to say we all know this place like the back of our hand. When spending so much time in one place, it’s inevitable to not make memories to last a lifetime with friends, family, teachers and teammates.
“The most memorable times at St. Dominic were the times that I can never recreate in the future. I will never forget all the time spent with the people I’ve come to call family playing football. I will never forget the people that made me laugh, smile and even cry sometimes. Most importantly, I will absolutely never forget the community and the people that showed me love and respect,” said senior Dominic Demerath.

“The smiles from all of the faculty and staff, the lasting friendships and the passion from my senior class will be something I will never forget. The environment that St. Dominic created was so fun and exciting. I could not have wanted my experiences to be any different. I will always be a Crusader,” said senior Tyler Johnson.
Four years goes by faster than the blink of an eye. As bittersweet as it can be, the future is exciting and full of endless opportunities. The seniors’ time at St. Dominic will be something we will not ever forget. From all of us seniors to St. Dominic, thank you and goodbye.

Grace is a senior who is in the Ambassador, Pro-Life, Outreach and CRU Clubs and she is involved in the senior advisor program. She plays soccer for MO...