Back in February, a new Netflix series aired about a power hungry family, and the murders attached. The Murdaugh Murders: A Southern Scandal, has its second season, and it has opened up some brand new questions.
The second season is all about the murder of Paul and Maggie. It jumps right in laying out the preparation for the trial of Alex Murdaugh. It goes over how the jurors were called, because of the high profile of the case, everyone knew about the events, so it was harder to find a jury of unbiased people.
When the show came out in February, it attracted a lot of attention because of its crazy characters, and insane ending. The story was about a boat crash that a young girl, Mallory Beach, died in. The driver of the boat, Paul Murdaugh, was drunk, but because of his family’s pull in the town, he was going to get out of it. The police were called to the Murdaughs’ property, where they found Paul and his mother, Margaret Murdaugh, dead. The show ended abruptly, because we had no further updates on these murders, but we did know one thing, Alex Murdaugh, father of Paul and husband to Maggie, was a main suspect.
For everyone who had been watching the case since February, knew that he had been convicted of the murder. This season really gave us a look into the evidence that was presented in the case, and the problems that arose in the courtroom.
Many people were on the fence about this case. There was a lot of circumstantial evidence because there was no gun found, no witnesses, and very little evidence found. The biggest piece of evidence that most likely convinced the jury was the video from Paul Murdaugh’s phone.
Paul’s phone held a video on there that had Alex Murdaugh’s voice on it. His timeline said that he wasn’t at the kennels, where they were killed, at that time. This piece of evidence put the nail in the coffin for the jury, as they found Alex as an unreliable witness.
The season talked on how this evidence, in any other case would’ve never been enough to convict a man. With the public wanting a person to blame, the jury had almost had a decision made when they walked into that courtroom, for the first time. Mr. Murdaugh is seeking an appeal to get a new trial sometime in the future.