Tips and Tricks for Prom

The upperclassmen couldn't be more excited for Prom this weekend.

The Dribble

The upperclassmen couldn’t be more excited for Prom this weekend.

     With prom this weekend it may feel overwhelming, but hopefully these few hacks will help you feel less stressed.

  1. Tryout hair and makeup

Though some girls get their hair and makeup done by professionals, it’s not a necessity. If you are planning on doing it yourself I would plan on trying out your look at least once before you go. No matter how good you are at makeup, prom can stress you out more than you know so having confidence going in will help you immensely. 

  1. Have a plan

Another tip to ease your stress is to plan out the day before. I even went as far as to plan out what I ate the day of. Though you do not need to go as far as I did, having a schedule will make things run much smoother. 

  1. Pack a bag  

Bring a bag and pack anything you think you may need like lip gloss, Ibuprofen, and even a snack. Nothing is wrong with being prepared at the dance itself, you may not like the food or you might get a headache from the music. These things can save your actual night. 

  1. Keep the status quo 

Lots of people feel the need to do a face mask  or try to go to bed earlier the night before prom but this is flawed thinking. Don’t change things like this because you’ll throw yourself off. Especially on things like the face mask. I’ve seen many girls try to magically fix their skin the night before only to make it worse. 

  1. Be prepared for things to go wrong 

If you think everything will go your way the day of prom, you’re wrong. Nothing ever goes completely right and you need to be ready for this and not let it ruin your day. Some things are just out of our control and we need to let it go. 

I hope this list helped you and I hope your prom is everything you dreamed of!