The Call to Serve
Sharing Smiles help by donating to children’s hospitals in need.
At St. Dominic, the most important pillar is the pillar of service. Students live that out in many ways, from senior service projects to sharing smiles, we are constantly living out God’s will to serve others.
The senior service projects can range from soup kitchens to sports fundraisers and so much more in between. Senior Madelyn Beam was involved with a horseback riding camp for disabled children. Being a part of such an amazing project led her closer to God in so many ways.
“We were outside a lot during camp and when camp counselors had the time to prepare for camp that day I always felt God was there. I saw God in so many of the campers and just seeing them everyday and the way they acted made me grow closer to Him,” Senior Madelyn Beam said.
Along with Madelyn, Senior Luke Kahrhoff held an all star basketball game for the Make- A- Wish foundation. He was able to raise money and awareness for such a special organization. A moment like that is truly an eye opening experience.
“It was honestly the coolest moment of my life. Presenting the check to the Make-A-Wish representative is a memory that I think will be very hard to top,” senior Luke Kahrhoff said.
Many students hear the words service project and think of easy ways they can finish them just to check them off of the to-do list. They think it is just another boring task they need to complete, but finding unique organizations to support will make the time fly by. By completing and getting a better understanding of why we complete service will grow relationships, and better examine God’s work.
“Growing in our relationship with God takes work, and I believe these service projects are great ways to do that. Students are able to serve in deeper ways and be examples of God’s love to people all around the community,” Campus Minister Abby Schmittgens said.
Throughout the school year, there are many different service opportunities to receive service hours, one of the most successful is Sharing Smiles. This is a charity run by theater director Miss Lindsey Peters, who began it in fourth grade to donate to local children’s hospitals.
“I wanted to brighten the day of any child who is experiencing a scary trip to the hospital,” Peters said.
For the past 10 years, a Saturday is set aside to help make stuffed animals and cards to donate to charities and local children’s hospitals. The charity has helped enlighten hundreds of kids’ days, as they struggle throughout hard phases in their lives. Not only does it bring a smile to the children’s faces, but the students participating as well.
“I love seeing how much people open up and grow to enjoy the work. It is awesome to see how the work ‘shared smiles’ to not only the children, but the ones who are sacrificing their time for them,” Peters said.
This year, over 50 students attended the Sharing Smiles Charity event held at St. Dominic. Students worked hard to cut, trace, and sew stuffed teddy bears in return for service hours.
“I helped cut fabric to eventually be sewed into teddy bears. It was a good opportunity, and one that I was happy to partake in,” Sophomore Marissa Clemens, said.
Service is a great way to get involved in something at SDHS. It shows us a glimpse of God’s will, and everyday the Dominic community continues to help others through the pillar of service. Continue to make a difference through your own charitable works and service as we move further into second semester!