A Night of Elegance

Prom King and Queen Chris Schneider and Ally Dolson.

Sadly, the day of prom is over for the juniors and seniors. Hard work and hours of planning were put in by the organizers and students to make sure that the night of prom was perfect.

The theme of the prom this year was Elegance and the colors were silver and white. Mrs. Hayes, head of the Prom Committee, booked the dance at a new location, Old Hickory Golf Club. Another new aspect this year was the sit-down dinner. In years past, only appetizers were served to the prom guests. This year, there was a pork and chicken dish, salad, green beans, mashed potatoes and dessert.

However, the prom committee was not the only group preparing for this exciting night. Students also had to get ready by finding the perfect dress or tie, making hair appointments, finding a place to take pictures, and of course, they were busy with promposals.

Nicole Entzeroth and Andrew Luetkenhaus

Junior Andrew Luetkenhaus asked junior Nicole Entzeroth to prom. Luetkenhaus brought a puzzle over to Entzeroth’s house and together they completed the puzzle to reveal the question, Will you go to prom with me? Entzeroth said yes, and the two attended together.

Angela Maxvill and Alex Castulik

As for the seniors, Angela Maxvill was asked to prom by Alex Castulik. He asked her with a sign that said, “I hope my smooth moves are good enough for me to be your king at prom!” and handed her a Smoothie King smoothie and a crown. Maxvill obviously said yes.

The decorations set up by the prom committee helped add to the experience. As the dance carried on throughout the night, more and more people joined others on the dance floor.

“I love to dance and sing. It’s like my favorite part. I like getting dressed up too because I don’t get to very often. But once you get past the pictures, it’s like hair in a ponytail, take your shoes off, it’s time to dance,” said Maxvill.

Prom guests were very pleased with the DJ and music selection this year as well as the accommodations as a whole.

“It was a lot better this year because our class was much closer. Plus everything was better quality and you were able to interact with everyone,” said senior Melissa Farkas.

Once the new king and queen, Chris Schneider and Ally Dolson, were crowned, all were in agreement: the prom committee did a wonderful job of planning this year. A lot of time and thought went into making sure that prom was a success. With all of the hard work put into the dance, it was sure to be the fun night it became.