Brich is Brand New to Dominic!
Mrs. Birch takers her yoga skills outside on a sunny day
Although she is only filling in for the first half of this semester, Mrs. Hilary Brich has made a big impact at St. Dominic in all of her literature classes. While she does have a strong passion for writing, you’ll find out that she has an infinite number of other hobbies as well if you just take the time to get to know her.
Not only is she new to the school, but she is also relatively new to the area. In fact, she had just been living in Ohio, and before that she spent twelve years up in Maryland. With that in mind, it’s hard to imagine all the change that she is experiencing, especially during such a wild year.
Filling in for Mr. Margadonna, Mrs. Brich has been teaching a few different literature classes to both juniors and seniors for the past couple of weeks. While she is only staying up until the beginning of November, it is obvious to all her students that she truly has a love for writing. To her, prose can allow the reader to travel to new places without leaving their seat.
“I have learned more about life and the world from literature than anyplace else, including seeing the world. It’s so exciting when you find an author who does the work for you of seeing the world, reflecting on it, and presenting it in a nuanced way. I love learning about other cultures, times and places,” Mrs. Brich stated.
However, literature is far from her only hobby. Mrs. Brich always seems to carry around an aura of peace and calm while she is at school. How does she maintain this peaceful attitude you may ask? Yoga! Not only is she an avid fan of yoga, but she has also been an active instructor for many years.
Over time, her yoga endeavours have allowed her to enjoy so many different experiences like owning a yoga studio for five years, and even teaching yoga for a year in France. What an awesome experience!
“Yoga definitely interested me because I had some injuries, and hadn’t worked out in a while. Yoga definitely helps prevent injuries and creates strength and flexibility so one can enjoy other sports more safely. Another benefit is that it helps your mind focus on the present moment,” Mrs. Brich explained.
One of the sports that Mrs. Brich does yoga to prepare for is tennis. Although injuries have held her back in previous years, she is now able to enjoy the sport to its full potential thanks to all of her yoga.
When she is not on the tennis court, you might find her taking part in one of her other favorite activities—walking! It is important to get a proper amount of exercise, and it’s clear that Mrs. Brich does this by making it a priority to get her steps in.
“Walking may sound boring, but it’s not, especially when you have a beautiful or interesting place to walk. I love walking on nature trails and through big cities with my husband. My husband and I go to New York City once a year, and we walk the whole time!” Mrs. Brich said.
No matter where in the world she is, it seems like she is always being active, and getting her exercise in to stay as healthy as possible. Most people could probably learn a thing or two by following in her footsteps, and it seems like it has allowed her to live a relaxing and mainly stress free life. She’s only a short term sub, so try to get to know her a little better while she’s here and ask her about all of her adventures!

Max Williams is a senior and student body president here at st dominic as well as president of NHS. Along with that, Max is a family captain of house Gaudium,...