
The Overbergs

Every day, new relationships blossom. Though some fall apart, others evolve into beautiful connections that last a lifetime. In a society that constantly manipulates the ideals of love through the media, the youth of our community need a model of what true love actually looks like. At St. Dominic, we have the Overbergs.

Theirs is a love story that has flourished for over fifty years. Mr. and Mrs. Overberg have known each other since they were children, when he sat behind her and tugged at her hair.

“The first time he met me in first grade, he fell in love with me. He had a crush on me all those years,” Mrs. Overberg said.

They went to school together all through grade school and into high school, where their relationship began to blossom. It all started with a Sadie Hawkins dance their sophomore year; while in geometry class one day, Mrs. Overberg and a group of her friends asked Mr. Overberg and his friends to be their dates. During their junior year, they officially became a couple.

Though they went their separate ways in college, and Mr. Overberg did military work, their love didn’t waver. One Christmas Eve, while Mr. Overberg was home on a break from basic training, he proposed.

The Overbergs were married on June 14, 1974. They’ve spent their forty years of marriage raising their four children, teaching together and just being best friends.

Their faith has been core in their relationship over the years. They’ve basically spent their entire lives as part of the Catholic school system, going through years of Catholic education themselves, then sending their children through and teaching throughout the entirety of their careers in the archdiocese.

“It’s essential to who we are,” Mr. Overberg said.

Working together gives them the opportunity to have in-depth conversations about their days, and everyone who was a part of them. Since they’re both teachers, they have a better understanding of one another. They share a passion for teaching; it’s a job that neither of them could ever walk away from.

“Plus,” Mrs. Overberg joked, “we can carpool!”

These daily car trips together gives them more of an opportunity to communicate, strengthening their marriage even more. Because of their strong relationship, the Overbergs serve as a beautiful example of true love for the students of St. Dominic.