Netflix “Hits and Misses”

Netflix "Hits and Misses"

Get ready to feast your eyes on Crusader Nation’s top hits and misses, featured on your favorite media-streaming app, Netflix. You won’t find these gems anywhere else, unless of course you buy them on DVD, which apparently no one does nowadays. Anyway, find a show you think looks interesting and stick with it! By the way, Breaking Bad did not make the list.  We assumed you had already watched it.


  1. How I Met Your Mother

A staggering 9 seasons, How I Met Your Mother is full of humor, from catchphrases to the overall mystery of who the “mother” is. The show is “legen-“and I hope you’re not lactose intolerant because the next word is”-dary.”


  1. Lost

After watching this series, your mind will be blown. Known for starting the “flashback phenomenon,” Lost captivated its viewers with a whole other dimension. Hold onto your seat; it’s about to get wild.


  1. Sherlock

Despite only three hour-and-a-half episodes per season, Sherlock proves entertaining. It’s basically Sherlock Holmes with a modern twist. However, if you have a problem with intensity then it’s not for you!


  1. Friends

If you have a group of friends that are like family, this show will be easily relatable. The 236 episodes are jam-packed with everyday situations that will make you laugh ’til it hurts, occasionally shed a tear and overall just be better off because you watched them.


  1. Once Upon a Time

If you’re looking for a show that will entice, captivate, and keep your brain working at its full capacity, then watch this show. The writing is outstanding and the modern-day spin on classic fairy tales is remarkable.


  1. Grey’s Anatomy

Grey’s Anatomy is drama AT ITS BEST. Really, you will be left on the edge of your seat as you get caught up in the moment. If you’re looking for a show with not only the BEST relationship drama but medical drama too, this is the show for you.


  1. Prison Break

Prison Break may seem like a boring show, but even with a simple plot, it captivates your interest. You’ll love some characters and you’ll hate some characters, but hey, that’s TV for you.


  1. That ’70s Show

If you’re bored on a Tuesday night and you feel like putting off that math homework until tomorrow, watch this show. Known for its consistent quality, That ’70s Show will have you laughing until you cry.

“I love you, Eric.”

“I love cake.”


  1. The Blacklist

In order to get the full experience, The Blacklist requires your full attention. Packed full of intense action, multiple plot-twists and incredible acting, this show rightfully earns its spot as a “hit.”


  1. Criminal Minds

Centered on a unique plot, Criminal Minds is disturbingly good. Do not get this show confused with Law and Order; it’s much more complex. In a good way.



  1. Pretty Little Liars

Sorry, girls, but Pretty Little Liars made the list. Although it might be popular, the show has a dragged-out plot, ventures off from the book series, and frankly, doesn’t deserve the attention it gets.


  1. Dr. Who

Although tremendously supported by a huge fan-base, Dr. Who lacks not only in good writing, but in CGI as well. Some might say the show also has a “cheesy” story line. Who’s to say?


  1. The Vampire Diaries

Built upon a confusing plot, poor character relationships and the constant renewal of thought-to-be-dead characters, The Vampire Diaries earns a spot as a definite “miss.”


  1. Dexter

As much as it hurts to write this, Dexter, although a fantastic series, lacked the finale needed to qualify the show as a “hit.” You could also say the show went downhill after season 4. There are eight seasons total, so it’s probably not worth your time.


  1. Z Nation

Centered around a poor story line and poor special effects, Z Nation is an overall disgrace to all zombie fanatics out there. This show basically falls into the category of “Sharknado.” If you love the Walking Dead, like I know many of you do, stay way clear of this show!


We hope you thoroughly enjoyed our list.  Be sure to pick up a Ben and Jerry’s (Half Baked; you’ll thank me later) before you begin your binge-watching marathon!