Friends Since Day One

As the day of graduation grows closer and closer, seniors find themselves reminiscing on all of the great memories and friends they have made throughout the years. When they go off to college, they won’t only leave behind family and beloved teachers, but also friends they have grown up with. Here are some of St. Dominic’s great friendships that have stood the test of time and lasted throughout grade school until senior year.

Seniors Noah Vaughan and Nick Becnel have been close friends since fifth grade when they attended St. Elizabeth Ann Seaton together. When they had met a year earlier through a mutual friend who lived in their neighborhood, they didn’t get along so well. One of their get-togethers actually ended in a fist fight. When the school year came around and they ended up in the same class, Nick and Noah were able to set aside their differences and bond over their love for Call Of Duty.

“My favorite memory with Nick is when we would jump on the trampoline at my old house. We would put a sprinkler under it and the water would shoot through the trampoline. It was so much fun,” said Vaughan.

“My favorite memory with Noah was when he came over to my house for the first time. We were playing Call Of Duty and he lost and started cussing really loud. He didn’t know my mom was downstairs. And then my mom said ‘Noah Vaughan, do you kiss your mother with that mouth?’ He went completely silent and his face turned bright red. It was hilarious,” said Becnel.

As seniors in high school, Nick and Noah are still very close friends  and get together all the time to play video games.

Seniors Blake Kuester and Gabe Hollowell have known each other for about twelve years. They grew really close when Gabe’s best friend switched schools after kindergarten, and they began to hang out. Shorty after, they would become best friends. Twelve years later they are still close friends and hang out all of the time. They both share a passion for music and enjoy listening to it together and showing each other new songs. Some of their favorite memories together include trips to Branson and their trip to Chicago over spring break this year.

“My favorite memory with Blake was riding roller coasters in Branson; it was so much fun,” said Hollowell.

Seniors Alex Slaid and Kailee Queener have been best friends  since they could remember. They both share a unique, goofy sense of humor and have made too many hilarious memories to count. One of Alex’s favorites was in eighth grade when Kailee went through a “horse phase” and had an obsession with horses. She would ride them all the time and almost convinced her parents to buy her one.

Kailee Queener (far left) and Alex Slaid (far right)

“The whole thing was hilarious to me because she was such a dork about it, but that’s why I love her so much,” said Slaid.

These two have been close friends for so long, it’s almost as if they’re family. 

“Kailee has always been more of a sister to me than a friend. She shares the best music with me so she’s definitely a keeper. I can’t imagine life without her,” said Slaid.

After all the memories these friends have made growing up together, graduating high school together is sure to be at the top of the list. While they’ll be going their separate ways this fall, these strong friendships will likely last a lifetime.