First Impressions Count
First impressions are the key to success. You can tell a lot about a person within the first few minutes of meeting them, so it’s important to pay attention to outward appearance. If you want to ace your next first impression, check out these helpful techniques.
Body Language
While meeting with someone for the first time, you want to show them the kind of person you are. In situations like this, your actions speak louder than words. The way you stand, your facial expression and your posture all affect how people judge you.
“Another way to make an impression on someone is through the use of body language and good communication skills. When talking to someone it is best to look interested and stay involved in the conversion through eye contact and holding a conversion by asking open ended questions and responding with more than just yes and no answers,” said Fernandez.
Eye Contact
Eye contact is the key to making a good first impression. Maintaining eye contact throughout your conversation tells the person that you are interested in what they are saying. Not maintaining eye contact or frequently losing eye contact could give the wrong impression.
“Eye contact is super important because if you don’t make eye contact, it’s disrespectful, and you don’t seem interested in the conversation you are in,” said junior Amanda Tippett.
Be Positive and Smile
If there is one thing people remember about others it is their attitude. Coming off negative implies that you are rude, impatient and disrespectful. Smiling in the conversation will tell them that you are enjoying yourself and value the individual.
“Being positive always makes a great first impression. It’s something that people will remember. Obviously, they would remember the negativity, but it wouldn’t make a good first impression. So, always be positive and nice to people when you first meet them,” said freshman Grace Catlett.
So, next time you meet someone new, try to make a good first impression. You never know– it may turn into a long lasting relationships.

Briana Pulliam is a sophomore here at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in volleyball, CRU, Outreach, Chamber Choir, Theatre, Glamour Gals, A.D....