Tuning out Distractions
Concentrating on school work can be hard, especially with the constant distraction of iPads, social media and games. While these distractions are ever present, there is a solution that students can turn to—music. Many students opt to music to keep themselves entertained and focused while working on homework.
Listening to music while studying can be beneficial for everyone. It can help students perform better on a test or a quiz by increasing their overall focus as well as their memory.
“I listen to music while I study because it helps me concentrate on the homework and helps me to get it finished. Also, I just love to listen to music,” said freshman Sophie Juergensmeyer.
Not only does listening to music help improve focus and memory—it also helps students block out other distractions. Music allows a student to block out others, but headphones show others they are busy.
“I listen to music because my mind tends to wander when I am working on homework, so I decided to try channeling all that wandering to music. By doing this, I was able to focus easily on my homework. I think it does really help me focus on my work because I am able to properly concentrate on the beat of the music and the work I have in front of me,” said junior Gavin Young.
Overall, music is a helpful and fun way to help students concentrate on their school work. It is an easy way to put all of your concentration on homework and boost your grade in a class. Next time you are having trouble focusing, give music a try!

Darby Duncan is a senior here at St. Dominic. She is involved in CRU, pro-life club, chamber choir and theater. She is also involved in softball, lacrosse...