New Year’s Resolutions

Jacob Luebbers and Mr. Hennekes

The arrival of a new year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the past year and set goals to make a better you. People strive for the often overused saying, “new year, new me.” With that in mind, we asked if the SDHS community had any New Year’s resolutions.

“I want to learn how to play an iPad game.” – Mrs. Overberg

“I need to finish everything I start.” – Kayla Carpenter

“I need to get in shape.” – Mr. Markway

“I need to stop procrastinating.” – Jacob Leubers

“I want to be more in the moment this year.” – Mrs. Joyce

“I need to stop drinking soda.” – Kirsten Monday

“I need to be more prayerful.” – Sally Garrett

“My resolution is to watch more Netflix.” – Jack Hogan

“I need to put my family first.” – Ania Wyant

“I need to exercise more.” – Fernanda Pasillas