Why Community College is NOT a Waste of Time

As juniors begin to prepare for their final year of high school, one looming question begins to hang over their heads–where are you going to college? Most students follow the trend by attending a large or popular institution. However, this is not the best decision for some students. Community college is great option for people who want to get a good education for a lower price!

Juniors should consider going to community colleges before transferring into a larger college. There are many benefits associated with this path such as completing prerequisites, familiarizing themselves with a college lifestyle and saving money.

Going from a school of 700 to a school of 20,000 will give a person culture shock. Not to mention the fact that these colleges require freshmen to live on campus. Out of state colleges may seem like a great way to escape your hometown and have an adventure, but there are some major drawbacks. No matter how awesome the college tour may be, it does the dark side of a campus. The gamble you take attending an these colleges also includes a hefty out-of-state tuition.

Almost all majors have general classes you need to take in order to begin that major. By going to community college, you can complete them at a much lower price than the major colleges. Not to mention, students tend to do better when they are in an environment they are comfortable in.

For those who are truly worried about leaving home right away, community college is a really great option. Whether your major is undecided or if you are a homebody, it is the perfect way to get a taste of the college life while still being in the comfort of your hometown.

One of the biggest pros of community college is the opportunities presented through the A+ program. If a student meets the qualifications, they are eligible to enroll for two years tuition free. The requirements are super simple: have a 3.5 GPA, a 95% attendance rate and accumulate 50 hours of tutoring/mentoring. By participating in this program, it makes it more affordable for students who have to pay for their college.

Even without utilizing the A+ program, the cost will still be cheaper than any major college. This is due to the fact that community colleges are not meant for just students straight out of high school. They are meant for anyone who still wants to complete a college degree, but may not be in the right situation to pay for expensive college credits.

As deadlines draw close and family relatives question your future, consider looking into community college. Both students and parents will appreciate the benefits in the long run. If juniors are interested, Mrs. Strecker has everything you need to know about community college.