Avoid the Twitter Suspensions

Twitter accounts such as @GirlPosts and @Dory were suspended from our favorite social media. Users everywhere are wondering why accounts are being shut down and if they can avoid the same fate.

First and foremost, accounts may be shut down due to these three reasons:

Creating serial and/or multiple accounts with overlapping use cases
Cross-posting Tweets or links across accounts
Aggressive following, particularly through automated means

If you’re not doing any of these, you should be in the clear.

Some Twitter accounts are suspended only for a bit, while others are permanent. Twitter does not tell you which tweet is the reason—that is up to you to decide.

Although the accounts suspended don’t appreciate the suspensions, some Twitter users are thankful for them!

“I’m pretty sure the main reason accounts are getting banned is for stealing so I guess it’s a good thing because it’s really annoying when big popular accounts steal tweets from a smaller account and take credit for it. It’s pretty much plagiarism,” said senior Connor Sinnard, senior superlative winner of most likely to blow up your Twitter feed.

Other students hope that maybe their own accounts will be shut down.

“Firstly, I feel good about it because they’re mostly accounts I don’t like. Also, I hate Twitter a lot so I’m half hopeful they’ll shut down mine so I don’t feel obligated to use it anymore,” said senior Camryn Weber.

Whatever your verdict is, make sure to be smart about what you are putting online! Twitter, and the world, is watching.