Teacher or Superhero?

Mr. Asher

Being able to teach one class is hard enough, but what about being able to teach six? Mr. Asher, a new teacher at St. Dominic, has his degree in Social Studies Comprehensive. His busy life consists of playing guitar, playing on a competitive kickball team, going to graduate school, working a second job and oh yeah, being a teacher.

He has always had a deep interest in history and learning about the people of the past.

From a young age Mr. Asher knew he wanted to be a teacher.

“I have always liked the school environment. I always had really good relationships with my old teachers and having built those relationships through school, I knew early on what I wanted to do,” said Mr. Asher.

Mr. Asher formerly taught at Assumption. Never intending to teach at the elementary level, his certification is specifically for high school. Having this certification for teaching high school eased the transition from Assumption to St. Dominic, along with already knowing many students and faculty.

“Everyone is very helpful. It is a challenge teaching new courses, but otherwise I am very happy with the transition,” Mr. Asher said.

St. Dominic is different than other schools because it has a strong sense of community and faith. Mr. Asher was drawn to that aspect of the school.

“My faith can be a big part in my everyday routines and classes, and I think that means a lot,” said Mr. Asher.

St. Dominic has a quality that public schools cannot experience: a strong faith bond. This is one reason some teachers choose teaching at a Catholic school rather than a public school.

“I think that the environment at St. Dominic is much more inviting, friendly, open and fun than my experiences at a public school,” Mr. Asher said.

Coming into a new environment can be stressful and overwhelming, but Mr. Asher has tackled the situation well.

“My ability to handle stress is a lot different than when I had first started teaching,” Mr. Asher said.

He has learned the ins and outs of teaching and understands that as a new teacher, he has to work with how his students respond to him.

“The kids are definitely the best part about teaching,” he said.

Mr. Asher loves teaching and originally planned on obtaining a degree in science, history and art. He settled on Social Studies Comprehensive, which allows him to teach economics, anthropology, psychology, sociology, philosophy and history. Mr. Asher is currently in graduate school completing his master’s degree.

Besides teaching, Mr. Asher enjoys playing the guitar, cooking, hanging out with his wife, Erin, and reading. If Mr. Asher gets any free time, he likes to spend it with Erin and grill and relax while listening to music.