Youth Group Column

Some St. Dominic students during messy game night on Christpower.

If you’re not really sure how to get involved in a youth group, a retreat is a great way to start. We’re blessed to have a lot of parishes around the area that offer retreats year round.

If you’re familiar with St. Joseph Cottleville or ICD, you’ve probably heard of either Christpower or Project Life. These are both similar retreats that take place in the summer. They focus on service and building relationships with the other retreat participants.

“Christpower was such an amazing experience. After I left the retreat and went home I felt like I gained another family,” said sophomore Meaghan Fleming.

I know that for me, Christpower was a life-changing experience and is the thing that inspired me to go to youth group and get involved in my faith. It’s easily the best week of the year and I would not be the person I am today without it.

However, Christpower and Project Life are only two retreats out of hundreds. Most parishes are doing around 3 to 4 big retreats every year and a few small pilgrimages or faith-filled days in between. Here’s a list of some great retreats to consider attending:

-Project Life
-your local parish’s seasonal retreat
-Luke 18/Confirmation
-Pro Life Pilgrimage
-Timothy 4
-Il Ritiro

Retreats are an amazing way to jump back into your faith life and develop relationships with amazing faith-filled people. They give you memories and friendships that will last a lifetime, so consider branching out of the St. Dominic retreats and attend one with a new group of people in a new place!