SDHS Art Show

Senior Sophie Bradley’s painting for the art show.

St. Dominic’s annual art show takes place every year in the Sister Mary Bender Lobby during the spring musical.

Ms. Nasser’s Honors Advanced Art class students host the art show, displaying both two- and three-dimensional objects. The artwork includes drawings, paintings, sculptures, ink, scratchboard, works on canvas and more.

Many students at St. Dominic have the opportunity to show off their hard work at the art show. Senior Lydia Keinrath started taking art classes freshman year because she wanted to express herself, take a break from her other subjects and have some time to relax. Lydia’s featured painting is called Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). She wanted to combine both her love for art and Spanish in one painting.

“I put this piece in the art show because I love the watercolor background and the pastel skull. I love the Spanish culture, so I decided to paint i‎t around The Day of the Dead last year. I wanted to include watercolor and acrylic paint in this painting. I also wanted to paint a beautiful skull, since that is a focus on Dia de los Muertos. The skulls people make are beautiful! I wanted to capture its beauty in my painting,” said Keinrath.

For senior Sveta Wunnenberg, art has always been an important part of her life. She has four pieces in the art show: two Russian churches, an alien illustration and a piece depicting a man looking at the Vietnam memorial wall. She chose these pieces to represent her love for history, faith and her Russian heritage.

“This is my last year at St. Dominic and I think these four pieces pretty much sum up where I’ve been, who I am and where I want to be,” said

One of senior Svetta Wunnenberg’s pieces for the art show.


Senior Sophia Bradley uses art to relieve stress and express herself. She is one of the many talented seniors showing off their artwork in the art show! Sophia has two acrylic paintings based on Anorexia Nervosa and Generalized Anxiety.

“I put these pieces in the art show because I really like them and the message they’re portraying… I wanted to express the symptoms of these illnesses and how they affect the body…physically and emotionally,” said Bradley.

Pop on out to the art show in the Sister Mary Bender Lobby before or after watching Oklahoma! to see some beautiful artwork.