Is Your Smartphone Too Smart?
Our smartphones are supposed to help us store information, but could it possibly be too much? Some people are worrying that phones are starting to retain too much knowledge about the owner’s life. The next time you put information in your phone, you might want to think again.
Global Positioning System (GPS) is known for being a helpful navigation tool, but it is tracking a little too much. If your phone is connected to the Bluetooth in your car, your GPS app starts to adapt to your daily routines and tries to guess your next move. For example, when you start your car in the morning it will say, “—— minutes to St. Dominic High School.” Freaky, right? If someone accessed your phone, they could find out exactly where you are going and when you usually go there. Not only does your GPS track your location, but so do your social media apps and web browser through geolocation.
The average teenager will not read the Privacy Policy when signing up for a social media app–hit agree and move on. Next time you sign up for social media, you may want to read for just a split second. Your phone allows the apps to access your information from your account. The apps are allowed to take your photos or usernames and use them in advertisements everyone can see. Now, not only can your followers see your posts, but so can the entire world.
Another way our smartphones know too much is through the wallet app on iPhones. The app allows you to put all your credit card information into it then it makes your purchases online at the click of a button. Your phone has access to your credit card information at all times, which could potentially be very dangerous. Through the health app, your phone also has your social security number, height and weight, making it pretty easy for someone to steal very personal information.
The worst of them all is the fingerprint password system. Not only did you give your phone your social security in the health app, you are basically selling your identity by scanning in your fingerprint. Your iPhone knows every last detail about you, down to the very ridges of your fingertips.
Most people think their phones are a sacred place to hold information, but you never really know who can get their hands on it. Even though you are the only one who knows the password, be careful what you are allowing your phones to know.

Kelly Sitz is a senior here at St. Dominic High School. She is a peer minister and on the varsity volleyball and track team. In her free time you will...