
Eat Fit Go
Eat Fit Go is a new health food store that has opened on Highway K and N right by Club Fitness. This little store has pre-packaged fresh breakfasts, lunch, dinners and snacks. On each item there is a nutrition label that lists all the ingredients and nutrition facts to ensure you know exactly what is going into your body. You can either buy a meal to take home and microwave or use the microwaves provided in the store. Eat Fit Go also offers “The Perfect Week,” which supplies all your meals and snacks for one week with an inclusive price.

Rating 5/5


If you thought mullets were a thing of the past, you thought too soon. When walking through the halls of SDHS, it is almost certain that you will see a boy sporting this retro look. Some rock the curly hair, while others are keeping it straight and shaving a few lines into each side. This look of the past may be making its way back into the halls of St. Dominic, but I think we’d all appreciate it if it stayed in the ‘80s!

Rating 1/5


Invisibobble Hair Ties
You can say goodbye to regular old black hair ties—Invisibobbles are taking their place. This new product is a clear hair tie that is a spiral plastic material. These hair ties keep your hair up and out of your face without getting stuck, causing a crease or splitting ends. They may be a little pricey, but I definitely think they are worth the few extra bucks. Invisibobbles do the job a lot better than a regular old hair tie and keep your hair in its best condition!

Rating 4/5