Senior Column: Blake Schneider

Blake Schneider shares his story about the recruitment and commitment process with Benedictine College for football.

During the summer of my senior year a couple of us on the football team got to practice early and Coach Markway made us do some drills. While we were doing the drills the coaches went into one of the classrooms and the Benedictine College coach walked in and watched us do our drills. After we were done with the drill, the Benedictine coach started to talk to me and then he said that he remembered me from Mizzou camp when I was in eighth grade and he was actually the coach of my group at the camp. Then he asked if any schools were looking at me for football. I said no, and he said, “Now you do. Benedictine is really interested in you.” The next week, I went on an official visit and I loved the campus and everything about it. After that, around the first week of school I got my offer from them and I knew I was going there. I committed to play football at Benedictine in November.