The Story that Steals Your Heart: Oklahoma

Seniors Kaitlyn Pepper, Conner Havrilla and Kaitlyn Bross with the cast.

Tonight, the PAC will be filling up with people eager to see our talented Crusader players perform Oklahoma!. With months of preparation behind them, this could be the best St. Dominic show yet.

Oklahoma! takes place in, you guessed it, Oklahoma! With a box social coming up, Curly asks Laurey if she’ll be his date. Trouble is, Laurey thinks Curly has waited too long to ask, and accepts an offer from stalker Jud instead. Along with this, Laurey’s friend, Ado Annie, is also torn between two men: a cowboy named Will Parker and a foreign peddler, Ali Hakim. This huge love triangle will surely grab your attention and have you laughing in your seat.

Rehearsals, good and bad, are a memorable time for everyone. The cast and crew spend lots of time together, so they have a great chance to bond over the course of the show. Sophomore Lily Mcknight, one of our newest Crusaders, plays the role of Ellen in the show and has felt so welcomed and loved.

Juniors Jackie Lang and Peyton Bishop

“The rehearsals are going splendidly so far since there are so many talented people to work with!” said Mcknight.

As the show arrives, crunch time comes to a close. It is very important to all the cast and crew to put together an outstanding show for their audience, but they have a bigger goal in mind this year.

“This is much harder than any of the other musicals we have done. We have joined a theatre competition that if we get nominated to go to the awards, we get to perform on the Fox stage. This is very exciting because some of the theatre people in our department feel like they could only dream to be on a stage such as the Fox, so we are trying to make this show more elaborate and precious than our other shows,” said junior Gavin Young.

For others, this will conclude their acting career at St. Dominic. It is a bittersweet experience as they are about to leave their home for the last four years; however, they will always carry St. Dominic theater in their hearts.

“Playing Ado Annie has been so amazing. This show has been a very great last one, and the memory is bittersweet. I love St. Dominic theatre so

Senior Kaitlyn Pepper

much, and this is such a great last show,” said senior Kaitlyn Pepper.

The curtain opens tonight at 7:00 PM, tomorrow at 7:00 PM and Sunday at 3:00 PM. The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for students and those under the age of 5 and over the age of 62 are free! Seats are also available for purchase at the door. This is a show you don’t want to miss!