The Call to Service
For young people, entering the military can be very unattractive. Many are steered away from joining because it can be physically and mentally difficult; however, some brave St. Dominic students have been thinking about giving themselves to the service of their country.

Abbey Jennings
Abbey is a junior at St. Dominic, and she is interested in joining the Air Force. Jennings has two uncles who have served in the military and they have influenced her tremendously in her decision process.
“My Uncle Matt was in Iraq when I was very little. My Uncle Josh just finished his tour in Afghanistan. They have really helped me decipher if this is the right choice for me,” said Jennings.
While Jennings does acknowledge the negatives of being part of the service, she thinks it is a great way to be part of something much larger than herself.
“It’s a great way to do something for the greater good. Look at the world around you and truly think about how you can keep it safe for your children,” said Jennings.

Matt Koffman
Matt is a junior who is interested in either the Navy or the Air Force. Koffman’s grandfather and uncle served selflessly in the past, and they are encouraging him to join one of the two.
“My Grandpa was a mechanic who built and fixed tanks during the Vietnam War. One of my older uncles just retired from the Army after 20 years of being an army ranger; he was on the second helicopter into Baghdad during Operation Desert Storm. After this he then trained Rangers in jump school,” said Koffman.
There are many benefits to being in the military, but for Koffman, his call to service is all about giving back to his country.
“Paying back my country for everything it has done for me would be a huge honor. I know the risks, but even if I got killed, it would be for something much greater than myself,” said Koffman.
Ben Mueller
Ben is a senior at St. Dominic High School who has applied and is awaiting his acceptance into various military academies. Ben has written 25 essays and has gone through four different interviews. He has also applied for recommendations from state senators and representatives. The process has been very rigorous for Mueller, but he knows the call is all about his love for service. That is what keeps him going.
“I have always had a passion to serve others. The opportunities provided by the types of services in the military not only benefit others but they also can help shape me,” said Mueller.
Mueller understands that his life will be altered forever by his decision, but even all the unknowns to come will not stop him from following his call.
“The opportunities provided by military service academies are unparalleled. Although I don’t really know what to expect and the questions greatly outweigh the answers, I know that if this is truly what I’m meant to do, then God will be with me through the adventure,” said Mueller.
These wonderful students have so much good coming for them. Make sure to pray for Abbey, Matt, Ben and all the men and women across the world who have either served or are thinking about serving their country.

Nick Bone is a senior at St. Dominic. He is involved in Peer Ministry, AD Club, varsity baseball and is the president of the Ambassadors club. In his free...