A New Platform for Change

A New Platform for Change

Social media is the breeding ground of everything from vines to social justice. Twitter feeds are overflowing with posts about Parkland, sexual assault and unrest in Syria. Is Twitter the new platform for social movements?

Some people think having politics and world news on our social media is important or necessary. Others see social media as a place to unwind and destress.

“Social media is a way to keep up with friends and laugh at funny videos. I get that people are allowed to voice their opinions, but social media is not the place,” said senior Andrea Ducharme.

For a lot of people, social media is an outlet for relaxation. It is a place to lazily scroll through jokes that aren’t funny and satisfying videos of slime and soap carving. This being said, a lot of teenagers use social media to voice their opinions and lead their movements.

Social media connects people who are states, countries and continents apart. What other platform can connect so many people in so little time? Just this year there have been multiple movements born on Twitter. Initiatives like Me Too, Times Up and Never Again have overtaken news feeds across America. While some people may find their presence upsetting and annoying, others see it as a huge importance.

“Social media connects people that would never be connected without it. It makes it easier to connect with people. It’s so important to stay in touch and be aware of the things happening in your world. If we check out of politics, nothing ever changes,” said senior Kaitlyn Pepper.

Politics can be upsetting. It is not easy to read about tragedies, and often times they make people uncomfortable or embarrassed. It is important to keep your head on straight, but it is also important to be aware of the world outside your bubble. Slime videos and bad jokes are fine, but at some point people have to pay attention to what is really happening. Social media has the power to connect people from all kinds of different backgrounds, making it the perfect platform for change.