Healthy Body, Happy Life

Healthy Body, Happy Life

As summer and swimsuit season approach, it’s time to lose the food baby and get into shape! Besides your typical gym workouts, here are a few unique and exciting ways to get your summer bod!

Are you ready for something new in your workout? Well Zumba is the one for you! This dance-based class combines cardio and the art of dance. In this judgment-free zone, you can test your skills in many new ways. Their blend of songs practice new moves, emphasizing a healthy lifestyle. While fun, this workout is no easy feat. The upbeat music makes your body move as fast as it can, burning calories with each step.

“It is so much more fun than a regular workout, because you get to do it with a big group of people who aren’t going to judge you if you mess up. Also, Zumba doesn’t feel like a workout; it just feels like dancing,” said junior Catie Poli.

After taking the leap into Zumba, your whole workout routine will be amped up.

“Zumba has shaped my daily workouts to be more fun and to remember that getting into shape and being healthy shouldn’t feel like a job,” said Poli.

In addition to being a great workout, it can be a fun activity to do with friends or family. So, put your tennis shoes on and dance the calories away.

For those of you who want a total body workout, Tabata awaits! This intense system works every muscle imaginable. With twenty seconds on, ten seconds off, Tabata will leave you breathless.

Tabata uses multiple reps to totally transform your body. You can use weights, stretch bands or just the exercises to tone each muscle. Tabata does not just exercise one area—it works them all!

The most common Tabata exercises include squats with weights, planks, lunges, arm curls and presses with weights. This workout is super accessible, and can be completed in a gym, your home or outside in nature!

With all of these upbeat and extraneous workouts, yoga is a relaxing alternative. This workout stretches your muscles and tests your balance.

Yoga is composed of a multitude of different poses and stretches to practice stability and enforce balance.

“I do yoga because it’s a workout that is really focused on core strength and flexibility. It is a very peaceful and relaxing workout, unlike lifting weights or running,” said junior Audrey Craig.

Even though this workout promotes positivity, it still breaks down fat to produce a fit and toned body.

“I would tell people to try yoga out! It’s definitely not easy, but it’s a really cool workout that everyone should try,” said Craig.

With all of these new and interesting workouts, your exercise routine is sure to be exciting and unique. Despite the difficulty, it is good to try new things to ensure a healthy lifestyle and body image. Don’t be afraid to give it a go. Who knows? You may love it!