Senior Column: Theo Pardee
Being a senior advisor has been something I wanted to do at St. Dominic since I was a freshman. I try to help my current freshmen with questions that I used to have and make sure they are informed about their first year here at St. Dominic. Once they stop being nervous, they can really open up and express themselves. One of my favorite parts about being an advisor is seeing the growth in all of them.
Some of my biggest responsibilities are making sure that the kids are excelling academically and making sure that they feel at home at St. Dominic. Both take effort and time, but are the most rewarding aspects of our school. It seems like it’s a lot of work, but we have plenty of fun in our advisories. From contests, to kickball games and food days, we make sure there’s plenty of fun to go around all year.
Ultimately my goal is to help them see St. Dominic as a blessing. The friendships and memories will stick with them for years to come. As my time comes to an end here, I hope to pass onto them my love for my school and hopefully inspire some of them to become senior advisors one day.

Sydney Hofstetter is a senior at St. Dominic High School. She is involved in CRU, Pro-life Club and is the treasurer of French Club. She is always out...