Bryan Road Rage

Construction crews are constantly tearing apart Bryan Road just to put it back together, causing headaches for plenty of St. Dominic students.

The construction is between the intersections of Mexico Road and Norwood Hills Drive, but it has been affecting almost all of Bryan Road with its huge backups.

“I take Bryan Road every day, and the other morning I had to actually stop my car and turn around in the middle of the road because it was so backed up that I would have been late to school,” said English teacher Mr. Justin Margadonna.

The extra traffic leads to more time spent in the car and earlier mornings. Mr. Margadonna said that the trip to school sometimes takes him over ten extra minutes. St. Dominic students who rely on Bryan Road to get to school have also been affected.

“I’m just really tired of this construction wasting my time. It’s really precious time that I need to get to school. I left early so I could get to school on time and get some work done before 8:00, and still showed up at 8:00 even though I left at 7:30,” said senior Alex Slaid.

While most commuters believe that this is legitimate construction, one St. Dominic student has her own theory.

“I think Bob the Builder owns that road,” said senior Piper Tracy.

Could she be on to something? Maybe the construction is all just a big hoax. Regardless of whether Tracy’s theory is correct or not, the Bryan Road construction is a nuisance to St. Dominic drivers.