Senior Column: Audrianna Hebron

I have been through numerous interviews for pageants, but I just recently had my first scholarship interview. The interview process has always been a favorite of mine because I love being able to meet and talk to new people. I have learned a lot of tips and tricks in the past four years to have the best interview possible.

One of the first things that I was taught is to always be yourself. You should never try to be what you think the interviewer wants you to be. Giving an honest answer that comes from your heart will show personality and unique qualities that will set you apart from other applicants.

A lot of people get nervous before interviews, and that is completely normal. When I started doing interviews, I would shake the entire time I was talking. Thankfully, I don’t do this anymore, but every once in a while I will get that feeling in the pit of my stomach right before I go into an interview room. If you have the same issue, just take a few deep breaths before you go in. Find something to do beforehand that can help you relax. I know people that listen to music with earphones while they are waiting, and other people pray beforehand. Personally, it helps me to talk to the people around me to try and get out last minute nerves. Find a routine that works for you so you don’t seem tense when you meet your interviewer.

Another tip that has really helped me is to know when to finish your answer. If you feel confident and that you have answered the question, finish your sentence and be done. Don’t keep rambling on about your answer unless you are elaborating on a main point. You may end up repeating yourself, and you could be wasting time for other questions that could really help you to win over your interviewers.

Make sure you view the interview as a conversation more than a question and answer session. It will make the interview flow better and make you seem more personable. Finally, make sure you practice before you go into your interview. Look up some frequently asked interview questions and go through your answers. However, be careful to not sound too rehearsed when you actually answer. You want to sound genuine, not robotic.

I could go on and on about different tips that I have learned, but I think that these are the most important and helpful ones to remember. If you have questions, you can always feel free to ask me! Just remember to relax and be confident in who you are, and you will ace your interview!