Dickens’ Classic Delivers

Ghost of Christmas Past surprises Scrooge.

The holiday season kicked off with four fantastic performances of the Dickens’ classic A Christmas Carol. It was the first time that SDHS has done a winter play, and it was received with open arms and much applause.

The performance not only included many performers from St. Dominic, but it also featured 44 elementary students from many different parishes in the area. The elementary students added an element of realism to the town and family scenes as well as to Tiny Tim actually being tiny.

“There was a lot of work coordinating with elementary students, but they really added to the effect,” said play director Melfreya Findley.

Bah Humbug
Bah Humbug

Elementary students weren’t the only thing that caused a buzz about this show; an unbelievable performance of Scrooge by sophomore Clayton Arnold left playgoers hoping for more. Arnold stayed in character using his raspy voice even through times of singing at the end of the play.

“It was really exhausting, but worth it in the end,” said Arnold.

Scrooge realizes he didn't miss Christmas!
Scrooge realizes he didn’t miss Christmas!

Arnold also said that after much tea, honey and cough drops his voice is just about recovered. No matter how good Arnold was as Scrooge, he couldn’t carry the play by himself and the rest of the cast was outstanding. All of the ghosts that visit Scrooge were truly perfect for their roles. Lucas Provine made several young children cry as a tormented Jacob Marley. Sebastian Hernandez never said a word but was compelling as Future. Chris Ballmann made everyone chuckle with his infectious laugh and merriment as Present, and Sophie Kluba lit up the stage with her jovial portrayal of Past.

“I had a lot of fun with it. I really enjoyed working with Clayton and the rest of the cast,” said Kluba.

Perhaps that is what made this play come together so effectively in just six weeks: the cast and its desire to perform for each other. As it is the plan to make this an annual event, next year’s cast has a lot to live up to.